
Demonbane is a mecha, action, and romance Japanese game and anime series. The game was first released on April 25, 2003, for Windows. Also, the game is developed by Nitroplus. Later, the manga also got adopted which was illustrated by Manga Artist, Yūki Tanaka.
Moving towards the anime, the anime was first aired on May 18, 2006, on the network WOWOW. The anime is directed by the director Hidetoshi Yoshida and written by Yōsuke Kuroda.
Demonbane- Main Plot
The main plot of the anime follows a poor detective whose name is Kurou Daijuuji. Kurou lives in Arkham City. One day he receives a task from Ruri Hadou. Ruri Hadou is a member of the Hado financial group. As well, he provides him with a task to find one of the magical books. Moreover, completing the task will reward Kurou with a lot of money. After, which he starts to search the book and meets with AI in the process. The AI seems a very beautiful girl that was not other than a grimoire.
As they meet up, they look at each other and put powerful magic on Kurou. Then, the AI starts to become a demon bane. It is a Deus machine of Hado Financial Group. Also, the AI was started to battle against their opponent name is Black Lodge. As a result, the battle between Black Lodge and Hado Financial Group appears.
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Demonbane- Characters
1. Kurou Daijuuji

Kurou Daijuuji is the main protagonist of the series. Also, he is reading archeology at Miskatonic University. One day he enters the library in order to read one of the forbidden grimoires. But when he was reading it, he got attacked by Wilbur Whateley. In addition, he was merely saved. The incident makes to left the university. Then, he decides to work as a private investigator. As he has no source of income he had a really hard time living. Moving on he was hired. Hadou Financial group hired him with the task of getting the grimoire. While doing so, he meets Al Azif and creates a contract. The contract states that he will become the pilot for Demonbane.
The Japanese voice for the character is contributed by the Japanese voice actor Kentarō Itō. Some of his projects include Black Clover, Bleach, and Gintama.
2. Al Azif

Al Azif is the spirit. As well, she stands with the motive of destroying all the unholy powers that are related to the evil gods. Moreover, she also owns an AI machine whose name is Aeon. Unfortunately, she loses her real AI machine. Later, she states that Demonbane is her Deus Machina. Even more, her interaction with humans always turns into flights and conflicts. Besides, she has very good knowledge about AI and combats. Additionally, she enriches with various knowledge of power. For which she is also a good teacher. Moving on, she holds great respect for her master.
The Japanese voice for the character is provided by the Japanese voice actress Rie Kanada. In this anime world, she is known for providing a voice for anime like Fortune Arterial, Figure 17, and Madlax.
3. Ruri Hadou

Ruri Hadou is head of a group name is Hadou Financial Group. Though she is head of such a group she is only 16 years old. Sadly, her parents were killed by the rival group, Black Lodge. After her parents were killed, her grandfather started to look after her. Moreover, she loves her grandfather very much and like started to save her grandfather’s legacy by doing the job of a pilot of Demonbane. In addition, she also provides a task to Kurou to find a grimoire that suits her. Further, most of the time she seems to depend on Kurou. Moving on, she is also one of the important members of the group as she coordinates the effort provided by the Demonbanr team.
The Japanese voice for the character is portrayed by the Japanese voice actress Junko Asami.
4. Leica Crusade
Leica Crusade is a nun at the local church located in her area. Moreover, she cares about Kurou as he has less amount of finance to have food. In addition, she aids and helps him. As well, she meets Leica when she first travels toward Arkham City. Additionally, they both get into friendship for a short period of time. Later, it is revealed that she is using a test for the project which is named Moonlight Project. Further, she has reason to stay in Arkham City. The reason is that she escaped from the Black Lodge group and stayed there in order to hide from that group. Even more, she often uses a suit that helps her to fly when she wants.
The Japanese voice for the character is played by the Japanese voice actress Nami Kurokawa.
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5. Doctor West

Doctor West is a very important scientist who lives in the group Black Lodge. Also, he works there with the motive of progressing in his research. Moreover, they lost many times to the rival group, Hadou Financial Group. Though he is a member of Black Lodge, he does not possess any magical power naturally. Thus, for fights and battles, he uses various weapons such as machine guns and rocket launchers. In addition, to destroy the AI machine Demonbane, he also created some Destroyer Robots. Most of the time he seems to have an electric guitar with him.
The Japanese voice for the character is voiced by the Japanese voice actor Takumi Yamazaki. Some of his projects include Detective Conan, Inuyasha, and Fate/Zero.
6. Sandalphon

Sandalphon is a black angel in the series. As well, he is also a part of the group, Black Lodge. Though he is a member of Black lodge he has no interest in combats and fights. Later, it is revealed that his real name is Ryuuga Crusade. Further, he is also one of the test materials for the project, Moonchild Project. To test him he was given a superhuman ability in his body. Even more, his main motive is to fly too high along with the birds. As he got the superhuman ability material in his body, he is very good and fighting. Moreover, he also knows about the techniques of martial arts.
The Japanese voice for the character is provided by the Japanese voice actor, narrator, and radio personality Nobuyuki Hiyama. In this anime world, he is known for providing the voice for anime like Captain Tsubasa, Initial D, and Cowboy Bepop.
7. Nya

Nya is one of the mysterious characters no one knows about. As well, Nya often wears a black suit. Further, the anime shows that he owns a book shop. At the time when Kurou was searching for the grimoire, Nya was also present at the book shop as its owner. Though Nya is a mystery, later Nya was defined as the Outer God. In addition, Nya is a person who arranges and manages the events that are to happen in Zanma Taisei Demonbane.
The Japanese voice for the character is contributed by the Japanese actress, voice actress, and singer Ai Orikasa.
8. Elsa

Elsa is a creation of the scientist, Doctor West. As well, she is a feminine human-robot. The reason for her creation was to become very fast and stronger than that human. For which she also has attached some melee weapons to her. Because she is one of the robots, she has set that Kurou is her enemy. Later, she comes into confusion by saving Kurou. Even more, Elsa defines his love for Kurou. And, that creates confusion for Kurou. As she is a robot while talking, she often uses a robot as a suffix.
The Japanese voice for the character is portrayed by the Japanese voice actress Mikako Satō.
Why Watch Demonbane?
The anime is quite interesting for the fan who loves mecha and some extra things like grimoire and gods. Even more, the people who have played the game with some anime have a plus point to watch the anime. As well, the anime contains full of magic and powers. The story follows Good vs Evil. The characters of the anime are well-balanced. As the human characters are balanced AI similar to humans is also created in the anime. The animation of the anime is very catchy.
Similarly, the mad scientist making the different mechas adds it as one of the best mecha series. Further, if you love anime like Darling in the Franxx, the anime is very suitable for you to watch. Besides it, the cast of the anime really has done a great job. Altogether, the anime is a package to watch.
Where To Watch Demonbane?
The anime is available in Crunchyroll free with the ads popping on your screen. But you can have the subscription if you don’t want the ads. If you are a Netflix user, it’s sad news for you as the anime is not available on Netflix. But you can also watch the anime by streaming online through various websites with some pop-up ads.
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