Who is Azami Kurotani?
Azami Kurotani is a supporting character and an antagonist in the Japanese anime and manga, Uzumaki. Azami is a 17-year-old, studying at the Kurôzu-Cho High School and transferred from Midoriyama-Shi High School.
She first appeared in the 3rd chapter of the manga named The Scar. The character is renowned for having a scar on her forehead and rumors were there it is the secret behind her attraction among the boys.
Who are the voice actors for the characters?
The Japanese voice actor, Mariya Ise, contributed the Japanese voice for the character. Ise is popular for contributing her voice to the character, Dorothy Unsworth of Black Clover. Next, she will be associated with the anime, Ishura 2nd Season as Kuro the Cautious.
The English dubbed voice for the character is provided by the voice actor, Cristina Vee is popular among the anime community as the voice of Louise in The Familiar of Zeo, Nagisa Saito in Squid Girl, and Yuko Tani in the Godzilla series. Apart from being a voice actress, she is also a professional singer. Last, she recorded a song named, Animal.
Azami Kurotani- Birthday, Age, Family Background
The illustrator of the manga, Junji Ito has not revealed any details regarding his birthday and family background. However, Ito mentioned that she is from Midora Shi.
When she was just a child, she fell from the ropes for impressing the boy that she liked. During the incident, she fell from the rope which left a scar on her forehead that became a crescent shaped over time. However, the tumors are there and the crescent-shaped scar is the reason which has the power to draw the attention of boys. Hence, no girls in the high school like to talk and hang out with her.
Azami Kurotani- Appearance & Personality
At the beginning of the chapter, she appears as a friendly and easy-going character who is friendly with Kirie. She is also loved and attracted by the various and several boys in the high school. However, she doesn’t like to be in a relationship with those boys. The attention and attraction from all the boys of the high school caused the girls to develop jealousy towards her.

This attention of boys earned her comments such that she uses boys by using her looks and that she has a magic power for attracting boys who never bother her. Talking about her appearance, she has black eyes the short black hair. Her height is 5 feet and 3 inches and has a decent weight. She also has a crescent-shaped scar on her forehead which happens to be her identity.
Azami Kurotani- Relationship
Kirie Goshima

Azami and Kirie Goshima are good high school friends. Due to the bad reputation among students, Kirie was often told not to be friends with her. However, Kirie never came to those words though she always watched that she was constantly being asked by many boys to go on a date with them whom she always gave a cold shoulder.
Shuichi Saito
Azami is surrounded by boys who constantly ask her to go out, however, when she visits the home of Shuichi Saito along with Kirie, she becomes obsessed with Shuichi. At the time, Saito asked Azami to go away and never come back. That attracted Azami as she was constantly asked by the boys.
The more Saito disliked Azami, the more Azami became obsessed with Shuichi which eventually led her to act as an obsessed psychopath.
Azami Kurotani- Death and Ending
Once she met Shuichi Saito, she started being obsessed with Saito. Soon she started acting lunatic and started following Saito as he was the only one who never fell for him.

As her obsession increased with the Saito, the scars on her forehead took the form of a spiral that started devouring her head, eyes, and body parts, and eventually, it devoured her all of which happened to be a very sad ending and death for Azami.
Azami Kurotani’s Quotes
They are just idiots. Don’t Believe Them
So Sometimes I Actually Wounder If this scar has the power to attract boys.
You’re the first boy I’ve ever met who’s treated me like this. What is it about me that you don’t like?
Read about the interesting facts about Yuki Suou-Roshidere, Junji Ito, and Uzumaki.