Bungo Stray Dogs
Bungo Stray Dogs is an action, mystery, and supernatural Japanese anime and manga series. The mangabis written by Kafka Asagiri and illustrated by the Manga Artist, Sango Harukawa. Also, the manga was first serialized on 4 December 2012 in Kadokawa Shoten’s seinen manga. Moving towards the anime, the anime was first aired on 7 April 2016 on English Network, Aniplus Asia. The anime is directed by the director Takuya Igarashi.
Further, like other anime getting a new season, this anime has also provided hints for the upcoming season. As this anime also has got lots of fans worldwide the news shattered too fast.
When is season 4 releasing?
As if we look towards the other season of the anime. Moreover, we can find out that one season comes after another. But it has been three years without getting a new season of this anime. In addition, it’s just a guess that the anime would start airing in the fall of 2022. Additionally, this year seems to conclude with no problem and many anime has begun their new season this year. As a result, there is a very high chance the new season of Bungo Stray Dogs can fall in 2022.
What will be the plot of Bungo Stray Dogs season 4?
Well if we have a better look at season 3 of the anime, we can find out that it has followed Cannibalism Arc. Whereas, coming towards season 4, the anime will be following the arc that covers the Decay of Angel arc. And, that is very well mentioned in Wiki too. Even more, in this arc, we will get a chance to look after a new organization that involves criminal activities, Decay of Angels. Further, covering around this arc the anime will hit in April 2022.
Who is going to cover the area of the cast?
While if we look at the cast of the anime. Additionally, season 4 will have a very well-known cast. Further, Yto Uemera voiced the main protagonist Atsushi Nakajima. Even more, he is a very good cast, and very known for providing a voice for anime like My Hero Academia. Along with him, Mamoru will also provide a voice for season 4. And he is very known for providing a voice for anime like Death Note and Haikyuu!.
Where can we watch the English dubbed version of Bungo Stray Dogs?
The three-season of the anime was already out. And, they were dubbed in the English version too. In addition, you can easily find the English dubbed version of the anime in both Funimation as well as Crunchyroll.
Who are the characters of Bungo Stray Dogs season 4?
1. Osamu Dazai
Osamu Dazai is working for Armed Detective Agency. Moreover, he was working as an executive in an underworld organization in his past. In addition, most of the time he seems to be wearing a long coat. Further, he has a very unknown type of attitude, we can get to his personality only when he tries to reveal it. The only person who can read his personality was his friend, Sakunosuke Oda. Even more, he is also unaware of what Osamu has been thinking. That he seems to have two types of thought killing and even saving. That fact was very hard to understand for Oda.
2. Chūya Nakahara
Chūya Nakahara is old partner of Dazai. Even more, they both worked together for Twin Dark. In addition, he is a very hot-headed and rough type of man. Additionally, he loves fighting with people, as well as showing the various ability of him in the fights. Moreover, he is a martial artist in the underworld area. Further, he is one of the finest martial artists as he possesses the ability name is Upon the Tainted Sorrow. As well, the ability helps him to change and make the gravity of things which he touches. Though, he can control the gravity, walking on the ceiling or walking straight on the building is a very simple task for him.
3. Atsushi Nakajima
Atsushi Nakajima is working for the agency which name is Armed Detective Agency. Moreover, he also possesses a very powerful ability which is named Beast Beneath the Moonlight. While if we go towards the past of Atsushi, he was often abused. The one to abuse him was the director of an orphanage in which he was living, As of now, those past happening hits him. Though he has not hot any help when he was in need, he is ready to help everyone. One person to support the statement could be Dazai. As, when Atsushi first met Dazai he saves Dazai from drowning in the water.
4. Ranpo Edogawa
Ranpo Edogawa is also working for the agency which name is Armed Detective Agency. Though he does not have any ability within, he is also known as one of the best detectives. Further, even the police think that he is one of the greatest detectives. Also, he can solve any mystery case in a short period of time even in seconds. In such a way, solving such mystery full cases easily he has got the tag of best detective. Due to his childish behavior, most of the time he seems to be teasing other detectives working with him.
5. Fyodor Dostoevsky
Fyodor Dostoevsky owns a group whose name is Rats of the House of the Dead. In addition, he also possesses different abilities within himself and that is named Crime and Punishment. Even more, he has very high-level confidence. Moving on, due to his confidence in most of the fight, he lets himself be captured by a rival. But Dazai always calls him a Demon. Additionally, his ability is very powerful as using his ability, he can kill the person just touching them.
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